Thanks for writing this .... In Esquire there was this totally heartbreaking interview with Chuck about how his mom was so afraid if he came out he'd get killed. There's just a lot of history there. And a long political history of powers that be thinking that if you're not out, you must be suspect / dishonest / an enemy. Really blind!

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I saw you commented on the piece! That's why I almost jumped in!

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"There is no top. The top of every mountain is the bottom of another." I recently attended the Superstars Writing Seminars conference, and this was essentially the thesis of Kevin J. Anderson's keynote. He used the metaphor of a false summit (hikers know that often, when you look ahead to see what looks like the top of the mountain only reveals from the top that the real summit is much farther on, etc.).

This might seem disheartening on its face—when you think you've "made it," there is still much more work to be done—but really, it's exciting to think that when you have one victory, there's really no limit to the many other victories you can achieve.

As to the main topic of your post, yes, gross. Thanks for speaking truth to the troll, but also, let's let the troll wither in darkness.

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Tangential but sincere: I took a short online workshop from you years ago. You gave me some very incisive, practical advice that made a difference for me. So, I see you out there, helping other writers. Thank you.

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I had the exact same reaction to reading that piece. I’m so glad I came across your post. Thank you and @ellenash for vocalizing what I’ve been thinking.

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I read the piece you’re referring to. I also decided not to comment, but I think I got the exact same read of the situation, and I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t know Chuck “personally,” but in every interaction I’ve had with him, both online and in person, he has been nothing but gracious and charming. As a writer coming from a lifetime as a professional musician, I have to appreciate showmanship. We’re entertainers, like it or not. You don’t need to pander to the audience, but you have to appreciate it, because without it you’re only doing this for yourself. Which is fine too, if that’s what makes you happy.

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Just here to add that when I was the host of a book event for Chuck years ago he was one of the most thoughtful and kind writers I'd ever met. In the greenroom he was so quiet I wondered if I was going to have to carry the night. Little did I know that once on stage he turns into Iggy Pop!

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Well said, Rob.

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Good article. As someone who loves to see other peoples successes, I think part of the ‘why you and not me’ has to do with working your ass off and writing with discipline over time. Kind of like diet and exercise. Choices, people.

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"There is no top. The top of every mountain is the bottom of another." I know and feel this with all of being. After writing and publishing for 30 years, I finally landed an agent and a trad pub deal at age 51. I had a number of personal expectations I thought arriving at those two things would do for me as a writer, and I was wrong. I empathize with you. Thanks for writing this. It was cathartic for me.

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Well said. As a publicist I find part of what I do is help defend my writers from that kind of treatment, and in a couple of cases how to respond (or not respond) to it. I am fiercely protective of that wall between public and private -- and people need to *think* just a little bit more. I will share this post around. Thank you.

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